o come, o come, emmanuel (1.7)
For today’s meditation, take some time to quiet your heart, starting by taking three long, deep breaths. Settle into your chair, or couch, or wherever you’re sitting.
Then, listen to the music, read the lyrics of the carol, and look at the painting. What emotions rise up in you? What thoughts do you have? Do any words or phrases jump out at you?
Set a timer for 10 minutes, and then make something based on the carol- it can be a quick sketch, a poem, a written prayer or journal entry, a dance, a melody, anything that suits your fancy. This is a time for you to create and reflect. Stick with it- just start (even if you start by writing down ‘ I don’t know what to write’ ) and you might be surprised with what you find!
If you love what you’ve made, share it with someone. Or keep it a secret. It’s up to you!
artwork by Rebecca Watkins
O come O come Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice rejoice Emmanuel
Shall come to thee O Israel
O come Thou Dayspring come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight
O come Thou Wisdom from on high
And order all things far and nigh
To us the path of knowledge show
And cause us in her ways to go
O come Desire of nations bind
All peoples in one heart and mind
Bid envy strife and quarrels cease
Fill the whole world with heaven's peace
And just like that, we did it! We have come to the end of week one. Thank you for reading with me! If you have enjoyed what you’ve been reading, please consider sharing with your friends and family, or talk about it with people you love. You can also always connect with me here if you have comments, reflections, or questions. The real joy of advent is the journey together! Week two begins tomorrow- see you then!
For more of Rebecca’s work, check out her instagram account, @combinedobsessions for more.