on transfiguration (for nanny)
And more often than not, these transfiguration moments are transformation moments, because that’s, miraculously, how God works. That the death and the life are all tied up together, that they’re both inherently pieces of the other. That in order to fall in love, some parts of you have to die. Or when you face the results of some unfortunate thing you might have done, God forms you into a person that looks a little bit more like Jesus, which is life.

on being late, or, process walls
an essay about the the growth that begins in the darkness of the soil, a poet, sycamore fig trees, and working through the fear of falling behind in your own story

unforced rhythms of grace
The sun was setting as I waited in my car in the parking lot of my friend’s apartment complex, jotting down some ideas for a poem in my journal. I looked up as two boys, probably about ten years old, came racing down to the dumpsters, laughing, hauling their massive bags of trash above their heads and hurling them into